Name: Quatre Raberba Winner
Gender: Male
Gundam(s): Sandrock, Sandrock Kai, Sandrock Custom
Age: 17 in Japanese version, 15 in American version
Nationality: Arabian
Height: 156cm
Weight: 41KG
Family: 29 Sisters from different mothers, Father, 40 Maganacs
Hair color: Platinum Blonde
Eyes: Green
Associated Female character: Other then Dorathy, I have no idea
Special Feature: Blond, caucasian bishonen. Resembles both parents
Image songs: I Am Your Friend, Stars' Look, Brave Eyes
Quatre is my second fave pilot, but yet I still like to call him sissy boy.
(Chibi Neko takes cover from roaring Quatre fans) Wait! Hear me out! I love this guy too, he is the kind and gentle
type, but he was known as a spoiled brat before he met the Maganacs. Quatre is very talented in the arts such as
painting, and music. Quatre can play the piano, violin, and the flute. In the series, Qutare is actually the leader
in battle, especially when the GW boys unite and fight against White Fang,and he also leads the group in the Preventer 5 manga.
In the begining, when the colonys where first constructed, the women lived a hard life due to the unnatrual enviroment in space and had
reproductive abnormalities, and it became law that children can only be born a test tube babies. But as time passed the living coditions became better, but the Winner family
lived in space seince the constrution of the colonys and still had reproductive abnormalities. Quatre was born natually out of a test-tube but his mother Quaterine died
giving birth to him.
As Quatre grew, he became spoiled and alway looked down on people. When Quatre was 13, he was on his way to Earth until his ship was surrounded by the Maguanacs. Quatre was informed of their
situation, but Quatre said that it had nothing to do with him, and went to sleep. When Quatre wakes up, his ship has been brought to federation sattelite and he was taken hostage, but Quatre says that he
would not make a good hostage and is worthless. Rasid the leader of the Maguanacs, called Quatre's father and explanes his plan to take the sattelite workers back to Earth, Mr. Winner agrees and allows him
to have free use of his resources. When Mr. Winner asks to talk to his son, Quatre tells him how he thinks Mr. Winner made them as tools for his foundation, Mr. Winner says that its not true and Rasid slaps
Quatre, telling him to have more pride in himself, and that he too was born out of a test-tube.
After that, Quatre's leadership skills are used to lead the Maguanacs and later becomes the leader of the Gundam pilots.