Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, etc. so please don't sue me. K? Thanx! ^_^

AN: This is my first Treize and Lady Une fic, but I thought it was necessary that it be written since they are a great couple, and not alot of people write about them. And to tell you the truth, writing this fic was fun, because it was something different, and also it helped me see the two of them together in a whole new respect. I just thought I'd let you know that.

Another AN: For those of you who read this and don't know... this fic helps explain why Treize is alive in my other stories, mainly 'Moon Dream', even though my other fics are HYxRP...

The Missing Rose...

My head felt so light; I couldn’t concentrate, and I couldn’t remember... I heard someone as they entered the room; I looked in the direction of the door, and I could see them, but they were so blurry!

Well, I’m glad that you decided to join the rest of the world, the voice replied, it was a man, his image slowly becoming clear, “How do you feel?”

Horrible. I groaned, Where am I?

Healing Peace Hospital, on colony L3.... tell me something.


What is your name? I looked at him confused, “It’s... it’s...” I tried to think, but everything was so fuzzy, and I just couldn’t remember anything, “I’m afraid I’m unable to think clearly, and as of the moment, I can’t seem to remember.” “I was afraid of that,” he replied with a sigh; I looked at the older man,

Afraid of what?

Afraid that you would be able to remember. You have amnesia. I stared at him shocked,

You must be joking! he shook his head, Is it permanent?

Possibly, and then again it could return.

How long could it take for it to return?

From any second, to never, to sixty years down the road.

What do I do?

It will be arranged for you a place to live and work in the colony. You will have the chance at a new life, he paused, But first I have a question.”

Another one?! he let out a chuckle,

Nothing like the first. Do you remember someone with the name of ‘Lady’? I looked at him, Lady.... where have I heard that name before?

It sounds familiar, but I don’t know why or who ‘Lady’ is. Why?

While in your coma, you would say her name from time to time. You must have had a strong connection with her for your subconscious mind to call out for her. It’s amazing how much a woman can have control over a man...”

What do I do about a name?

Ah, well you see, the staff has a nickname for you, since you look so much like the former Treize Khushrenada, they all call you Trey Khushrenad.”

Fine then... my name is Trey Khushrenad.


~*3 months later*~

Sighing, I laid my head back massaging my temples. I had a new life, but I just didn’t feel right with it. Something was missing, and the fact that I still had no memory of my past didn’t help any.

Hey Trey! Going to sleep on the job? a voice called, I opened my eyes to see Michael, my partner; I looked at the file on my desk,

No I finally finished the ESUN -vs- Dekim Barton file... strange case.

Trey you make one heck of a lawyer! Ever thought about going into politics?

I’ve considered it, but that would be much later down the road.

If you say so. Hey come on, the G.P. War’s Pardon is about to come on TV. We have to go watch it!

The what?!

Gundam Pilots’ War’s Pardon. The V.F.M. and Colonel Une of Preventor’s are signing a pardon erasing all charges ever against the Gundam pilots. It’s a national event! Broadcasted on every channel in every colony and on Earth!”

Must be a big deal then, alright, let’s watch it. he raised his eyebrows in surprise,

You don’t remember the Gundam pilots? The Gundams? The war???? I shook my head; he shrugged his shoulders,

Well come on anyways, we can watch it in the screening room.

In the screening room, the TV was already on; the V.F.M walked up on stage, followed by five young men, members of the Preventors and bodyguards to her Highness.

I hear that Darlian has a romantic connection with one of her bodyguards. The one next to her, with the dark brown hair, and dark blue eyes.”


Yeah. I mean, look how close her stands to her, and the way she will most likely reach back and grab his arm or his hand at some point in the ceremony, and besides that, he *never* leaves her side, he’s nearly gotten himself killed saving her neck more times than I bet *he* can remember. Yeah, some say that they even are planning to get married at some point.”


Can you imagine the V.F.M. being married to an Ex-Gundam pilot? A pacifist and a soldier, the irony.

He’s an Gundam Pilot?!

Yeah, and the other boys there are the other pilots- hey here comes Colonel Une! I watched the screen as a woman with shoulder length brown hair and soulful brown eyes came and stood next to Darlian. She was a very attractive woman, her features kind, but stern. I watched a little girl as she came up on stage to stand next to Une. Must be her daughter. Figures she’s married. Whoever he is, he’s a lucky man to catch her. Suddenly, I saw Colonel Une, but she was different, she had her hair up in two braided buns, and she wore glasses. Her uniform was a dark red, blood red, in her hand she held a scarlet rose... I blinked and looked at the screen again, her hair was down, her uniform was hunter green, and she wasn’t wearing glasses. What had just happened? Pain shot through the back of my head, causing me to gasp out in pain, holding my head. Hundreds of images flashed through my mind, my entire body tingled in pain; I saw mobile suits flying, a young woman with short, curly blonde hair, I saw a man with a mask, a large battleship firing it’s main cannon at the Tallgeese II, I saw Colonel Une, but there were two of her. One with her hair down, smiling, her brown eyes shining, the other one wore her hair up in the two braided buns, wearing a red Oz uniform; rose petals danced and whirled around them...

Lady! I cried reaching for her, but she was just too far away. Suddenly someone grabbed me, shaking me,

Trey! Trey, are you okay?! Say something! a distant voice cried, but I never took my eyes off of the women in front of me, and with a abrupt flash of light I remembered what I hadn’t been able to before. I was Treize Khushrenada, former leader of Oz and Romefeller. I had fought against the Gundam Pilots, and Milliardo Peacecraft when he was on Libra, and I had fallen in love with Lady Une...

Trey, say something!!!

I-I’m fine. I- I had to get to Earth, to Lady. But what would she do when she saw me? What would she say? Wait- who was the little girl that was with her? I hadn’t been gone long enough for her to get married and have a child, and besides, the girl was much too old to be Lady’s daughter, so who was she? I looked at Michael,

I have to go. I replied getting up to leave,

Go? Go where? Are you sure? Do you need me to take you?

No, I’m fine, I forgot a promise I have to keep.


Please fasten you seatbelts, and remain seated. We will soon be entering the Earth’s atmosphere. a voice over the intercom replied. I looked out the window, staring at the large green-blue planet. Lady... I’m sorry to have left you. But I’m going to keep my promise.


She stood in the palm of Tallgeese’s massive has,

Lady... you’re back. You came back! I gasped,

I couldn’t let you die Colonel Treize. You can’t die Mr. Treize, she paused, her voice shaking slightly,

Too many people need you Mr. Treize... I need you... Please come back to me Mr. Treize.

I promise I’ll come back Lady. I whispered,


I’m coming back to you Lady, just like I promised...

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (Mariemaia’s POV)

I knocked lightly on the door before entering the large office,

Mother? The woman at the desk looked up from her paperwork, pushing a strand of brown hair behind her ear; she smiled at me,

What is it Mariemaia? I walked over to her desk, which was cluttered with stacks of folders and mounds of paperwork.

You called for me.

Oh yes! Can you please take these folders to your uncles. Their names are on their folders. she replied handing me a bunch of folders,

Can you carry them?

Yes ma’am. she again smiled at me,

What would I do without you Mariemaia? I smiled,

Have a nervous breakdown. she laughed, the sound soft and sweet, yet tired. I loved it when she laughed.

You are probably right, now take those folders to Heero and the others before we get any deeper in paper work.
Yes ma’am. I laughed as I left her office. I walked down the hall to the door labeled ‘G.P. Colonels’, and tapped my foot against the base of the door; after a moment the door opened,

Hey there kiddo! Let me get some of those for you. a cheerful voice replied, and when some of the folders where removed I stared up into the face of a smiling Duo,

Thanks Uncle Duo. he stepped aside motioning for me to enter the office,

Sure thing. Come on in. I smiled at him, it was funny how much things in my life had changed. I went from trying to take over the world, to being practically related to the ones that had stopped me and I had been raised being told that they were my enemies. Duo had been the one to come up with me calling them ‘Uncle’, he’d told me to say it to Heero, as a joke, and then Miss Relena and Aunt Noin had insisted that I say it to Uncle Milliardo, and one thing led to another till I called all of the former Gundam Pilots ‘Uncle’ and all of the girls ‘Aunt’, that is, except for Mother and Miss Relena. Lady Une had adopted me shortly after the “Mariemaia Incident”, as it was now called. I really did see her as my mother; she had been in love with my father, she had been determined to adopt me, and got in quite a few heated debates about people saying she wasn’t capable of taking care of me and that it was her way of trying to keep my father alive in her life, that ended with one man having a black eye. But now, we were all a family, and I was quite content with trying to pair people up, my favorite couple being Uncle Heero and Miss Relena.

I looked around the office, their desk were lined up in a semi-circle, Uncle Heero’s desk in the middle. They were all hunched over their papers, working furiously; when I came in they all looked up, almost grateful for the interruption.

Hey Mariemaia. Quatre replied tiredly; the others smiled and nodded.

Hey guys! Mother asked me to bring these folders to you.
Oh joy. It’s Christmas everyday here! Trowa sighed as I handed him his folder,

If this is Christmas, then count me out, I’ll pass. Wufei grumbled, I looked at Uncle Heero. Out of all of the others, I think it was him that I loved the most. I looked up to him, admired and trusted him. There was something special between us, I wasn’t sure what it was, but it was there. I stared at him a minute, his dark blue eyes looked tired,

Uncle Heero you need top get out of here and go on vacation. he chuckled slightly,

Wish I could go on vacation, but I don’t have the time. Time... suddenly an idea popped into my head,

Well then, at least get out of this office for a while. You could go with Miss Relena today, Sally said that she needed to take the whole day off, and suggested a walk on the beach, you know that kind of stuff. The problem is though, that there aren’t any qualified Preventors that can go with her for her protection, and our V.F.M. needs someone with her.”

Relena is going out alone, and without a bodyguard? Thanks for letting me know, Mariemaia. he growled getting up and leaving. After he was gone, I turned on his vid-phone, dialing Miss. Relena,

Hi Miss Relena. Aunt Sally, told me to tell you that she suggest you take the whole day off, because you’ve been working far too hard and need to take a break. She suggested that you go for a walk along the beach, you know that kind of stuff.” she smiled at me,

Well, I guess if Sally says I should, for medical reasons.... alright, I’ll go. Thanks for telling me Mariemaia.

You’re welcome. the screen went blank, and I looked at the others; they were grinning and shaking their heads,

Mariemaia, you are unbelievable. Trowa replied,

Sheer brilliance Kiddo! Uncle Duo exclaimed. I smiled and shrugged,

We have to get them together somehow, and I’m just giving them a bit of help. Maybe I can get Mother to go out with someone... now *that* would take a miracle! But anything is possible....

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (Treize’s POV)

Okay sir, here is Colonel Une’s address. How did you say you know her? the man asked handing me a sheet of paper,

We were really very close for several years, but things happened, and now I’m back and never leaving her again...

Ah! Romantically involved. Colonel Une doesn’t seem to be the romantic type to me, but I guess there’s someone for everyone. I hope things go well for you.”


I stood outside of a medium sized, quaint little house. It was a cute, white little house with pale yellow shutters, and a white fence; rose bushes surrounded the house. I took a deep breath, Here goes nothing... and reaching up, I knocked on the door.

I got it!” came a response from inside, and after a moment, the door opened to reveal a small girl with shoulder length red hair and large blue eyes,

I-uh-is Lady Une here?” she looked at me a minute, then turned to look at something inside, and then back at me. She gasped,

It’s you!!”

Mariemaia, who’s at the door?” I heard Lady Une call, while ‘Mariemaia’ never took her eyes off of me,

No one. Can I go down to headquarters, Mother?” Mother?!?

“Be back by six!”

Yes ma’am.” she replied and shut the door, while still watching me,

Why did you do that?”

Why are you here?” she demanded,

To see Lady Une, why else would I be here?”

Are you, or are you not Treize Khushrenada?”

Yes, but how did you know? Wait, who are you?” she let out a frustrated growl,

Nice time to come alive. Come on, we need to get you to headquarters.”

Excuse me?”

Look, if Mother sees you, she would die of a heart attack or worse, does anyone know that you’re alive?”

No. And why do you keep calling her ‘Mother’?” she looked up at me tilting her head,

You don’t know who I am... do you?” I shook my head,

No.” she gave a slight smile as a look of hurt flashed across her eyes,

My name is Mariemaia... Mariemaia Khushrenada.” I stared at her, confused.

That can’t be true. There must be a mistake-”

I am the daughter of Treize Khushrenada and Leia Barton.” she replied slowly, I gasped. No! It isn’t possible!

“Then why do you-”

I’m an orphan, my mother died when I was two, and you, well... anyways, after the ‘Mariemaia Incident’, Lady Une adopted me, knowing I was your daughter.

You are the one who tried to overthrow the ESUN?” she nodded,


Come on.”

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (Mariemaia’s POV)

I had finally gotten everyone in the main conference room, Heero, Duo Trowa, Wufei, Quatre, Milliardo, Dorothy, Sally, Noin, and Miss Relena all watched me,

Mariemaia, what’s all this about? What’s the big emergency?! Duo asked,

We are in serious trouble. Today, I had a visitor come to my house... and I brought him here.

Can’t be too bad, unless he is Heero’s identical twin. Duo laughed,

You guys! This is serious!! Now please stay calm, and when he comes in here, please *don’t* try to kill him okay?” they all nodded and I opened the door for Treize to come in, closing it behind him,

Holy crap!! Duo shrieked; Uncle Wufei was back against the wall, his face as white as a sheet, and you could hear him as he frantically prayed. They all stared at him in disbelieve, shock, and fear.

Please tell me this is a joke! Dorothy gasped,

Now I know this is a shock-

A warning would have been nice!! Uncle Milliardo snapped; I felt Treize move to where I was standing,

“Hello everyone.” he replied; Milliardo, Heero, Trowa, Quatre, and Duo were all up against the back wall with Uncle Wufei when Treize spoke,

“M-Mr. Treize? I-is that really you?!” Dorothy asked faintly,

“Yes, I am alive. I know this is a surprise-”

“Does Lady Une know yet?” he shook his head,

“No, Mariemaia refused to let me see her, and brought me here.”

“He wants to see her?! Lord only knows what she would do when she found out.” Sally replied, then looked at me,

“Did you tell him...”


“And he didn’t know about me.”

“How can you *not* know that you’re a father?!” Uncle Milliardo asked,

“Leia ran away and never told me, and I couldn’t find her.”

“So why show up now?” Uncle Heero asked.

“... I would have come sooner, but I’ve had amnesia for the past three months-”

“Well what about the year and seven months before then?”

“I was in a coma, in a hospital on colony L3.” they were all silent, watching him carefully.

“Do you realize what you’ve put Lady Une through?! She was devastated when you died! And now that she’s moved on with her life, *you* decide to come back from the dead!” Relena accused,

“I understand that, but now I’m back, and I’m here to stay.”

“We have to get them together. And I’d like your help.” I replied

“We better have an ambulance near by when they do meet, because Lady Une will have a heart attack when she sees you!”

“Okay, here’s what we need to do...”


“Hey Mother? Did you love my father?” I asked as we weeded the flowerbed; she stopped and looked at me,

“Yes, very much.”

“Do you still love him?”

“Yes... why?”

“I’m just curious. Did- do you know if he loved you?”

“I- he never said it, but I think he did.”

“Do you wish he were still alive?”

“Yes, at times. But, I’ve moved on with my life, and now I’m okay being without him. I take it a day at a time.”
“Would you be glad if he were still alive?”

“Yes, but what brings your father up all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know. I was just wondering, I mean, since I never knew him, and no one talks about him.”

“I’m sure your Uncle Milliardo could tell you some good stories about him.”

“How did they know each other?”

“When Milliardo was six and Relena was about two, the original Sanc Kingdom was attacked and demolished by the Alliance. Treize took in Milliardo, and the Darlian's adopted Relena. I don’t know alot of the details, you would have to ask your uncle.”

“Mother... if they were friends, then why did they start a war against each other?”

“Ha. They made better enemies than friends, but they were always there for each other when it mattered. They were very much alike in some ways, but then again, they had nothing in common.”

“How did you fall in love with Father?”

“Oh, he was *so* handsome; always calm and in control of the situation, no matter the circumstances. He mesmerized me; I would have done anything and everything just to be by his side. I was crazy about him.” she whispered softly, staring off into space. Mother, one day the two of you will be together again, and then I’ll have a mother and a father... I hope.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (Treize’s POV)

“So Mistress Matchmaker, what do you suggest?” I asked as we sat in the corner of a small cafe,

“Something romantic. You know, your secret admirer letters, leaving flowers for her, that kind of stuff. Buy her roses, and have them sent anonymously.”

“Why roses?”

“First, they are her favorite flower, and second.... you just seem like the kind of man who would do that.”

“Uh huh...”

“But whatever you do, start out small and work your way up to more elaborate things, and *don’t* say who you are. Just...”

“Sign it ‘a Friend’?”

“Yes! Do that.”

“I can’t believe I’m taking orders from an eight year old!”

“Nine! And I turn ten in two months!”

“Alright, alright. Nine then.” she looked at me questionably, brows furrowed together in a silent question,


“Do you love my mother? Did you love both of them?” I stared at her a moment, taken back by her question; I smiled at her,

“Yes, I did love Leia, and after she disappeared, I was heartbroken, but then I met Lady, and for the longest time I tried to say that she didn’t mean anything to me, but finally I realized that I did love her, and I couldn’t ever have peace without her. But... I was scared, and couldn’t ever come out and tell her, I guess... in the end, some things were best left unspoken.”

“Very touching story, I assure you.” a voice behind replied, turning I met the smiling faces of Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Milliardo

“Oh please, don’t stop on account of us, do continue with your story of love, lust, and heartbreak.” he replied with a wave of his hand.

“Treize, out of sheer curiosity, where have you been before now?” Milliardo asked; I handed him a card,

“Trey Khushrenad, attorney at law.” he lifted an eyebrow,

“You’ve got to be kidding?! I don’t want to know how you came up with the name.”

“So how is Trey’s personal life?” Duo inquired

“Single and drowning in paper work.” they all chuckled slightly.

For the next three months, I did little things for Lady Une, leaving a rose on her car, leaving a card in her office, sending her roses, etc. I liked watching her when she found my ‘gifts’, I liked the way she’d smile and blush slightly, then sigh and shake her head. But I was getting impatient, I was tired of not being able to tell her I was alive.

“Mariemaia, why do you still want me to wait to tell Lady Une that I am alive?... Why am I even listening to you?!” I asked, she glared at her hands. Ever since I had come here, I sensed that she was somehow angry with me, and now her anger was showing more than ever.

“Mariemaia... why are you mad at *me*?”

“You wouldn’t understand!” she accused before dashing out of the booth and running from the cafe’. I watched after her; a foreboding feeling creeping over me. I better tell the others about her, maybe they know something that I don’t...


“And then she just ran out. I don’t know why she’d be mad at me, but now I know that she is.”

“I can’t think of why she would be.” Duo replied with a shrug. Suddenly, a frantic knocking came from the front door; Relena got up to answer it after motioning for me to get out of sight. After a moment she opened the door,

“Lady Une?! What’s the matter?”

“Relena! I can’t find Mariemaia! She didn’t come home, no one has seen her, and I don’t know where else to look!” Lady Une exclaimed, her voice choked; her entire body shaking. Relena helped her inside and to a chair,

“Colonel Une... what do you mean she never came home? It’s almost eleven at night!”

I don’t know! She said she was going to a friend’s house, but she was never there. Where could she be?! Oh God what am I going to do?!”

“We’ve been here the last few hours, and I haven’t heard from her. I’ll call Heero, maybe he knows something.” Relena replied walking over to a desk. I watched Lady Une from my hiding place, she had her head in her hands, mumbling that it was all her fault and what was she going to do. I tried to keep my own fear under control, Mariemaia was somewhere out there, maybe lost, hurt, or- no, I couldn’t think that, she was alive, but she was somewhere out there, and it was all my fault!

“Lady Une... we might know where she went instead of her friend’s house...” Quatre replied; Lady snapped her attention to him, standing to her feet,

“Well, you see... Lady, what would you do if Treize Khushrenada were alive?”

“Wh-what does he have to do with this?”

“...because he is alive.” after a moment I stepped out of my hiding place; Lady gasped in shock and fear. She took a step back,

“M-m-Mr. Treize!!!” she stared at me a moment in disbelief, then glared at me hatefully, before pulling out a gun and pointing it at me,

“Who are you, and where’s my daughter?!” she demanded.

“Colonel Une!!!” they all exclaimed. Shaking, the gun fell from her grasp as she lowered her head,

“Oh Mr. Treize... I’m so sorry.” she whispered. She swayed on her feet, not having enough strength to support herself. Quickly, I was holding her in my embrace; she clung to my jacket, her entire body wracked with uncontrollable tears. I stroked her hair and held her closer.

“I couldn’t get a hold of Heero.” Relena replied,

“Because I’m here.” a voice replied. Lady Une jerked around, and I followed everyone’s gaze, there was Heero; in his arms he cradled Mariemaia wrapped in a blanket. Lady Une rushed over to them,

“I-is she okay? Where was she? What-”

“Shh... don’t wake her. Let me put her in a bed and then I’ll explain.”

“Is she okay?” he nodded, then followed Relena to a room to put Mariemaia to bed. When he came back down we watched him intently, waiting for his explanation.

“I was at home when a knock came from the door...”


It was pouring down outside, and I was surprised to have a visitor at nine o’clock at night. I was surprised to get a visitor at all! I opened the door to find a soaking wet and shivering Mariemaia. She had been crying, her eyes were red and puffy, and she’d sniff every now and then. I brought her inside; got her a warm bath, then gave her an oversized shirt. The entire time she had never said a word, she only stared, sadly into nothing.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know *sniff*. I’m so confused!”

“Treize?” she nodded,

“He was never there for me, for my real mother, and then he just abandoned Mother. Now he’s back, and...” she looked at me; her eyes pleading. I was on my knees in front of her, silently waiting for her to continue,

“I’m scared of loosing my mother!” she sobbed. I hugged her as she let out her frustration and pain out in tears. She cried herself to sleep, then I wrapped her in a blanket to bring her here to Relena’s since I couldn’t get a hold of Colonel Une.


“And that’s what happened.”

“She’s scared to loose me? How would she loose me?”

“You should talk to her. She needs you. Both of you. And I believe she’s scared of being alone again, I mean, if you and Treize met, then you would both forget about her, and leave her behind.” Quatre replied. Lady immediately rushed to the room where Mariemaia was, and I was following close behind.

It was dark inside the room, a small nightlight, shining its dim glow. Lady kneeled beside the bed where the small girl slumbered. I stood beside Lady, gazing at them. They looked perfect together, as if they really were mother and daughter. I looked at Lady, her eyes were shining fresh tears, I gingerly wiped them away, and she flinched under my touch.

“Let her stay here tonight. I need to talk to you.” I whispered, she looked at Mariemaia and then back at me, before getting to her feet with a nod.


We walked down the streetlamp lit sidewalk, until we came to Lady’s house. The entire walk, neither one of us had uttered a word, both walking in silence. Now she sat on the front porch steps, carefully watching me. With her hand she motioned for me to sit down next to her,

“Have a seat.” I sat down, and again, neither one of us spoke. The silence was unbearable. I sat next to her, uncomfortable in the deafening silence. I gazed at her out of the corner of my eye. She was so beautiful.

“Is it really you?” she asked turning to me; her voice breaking the silence, “Are you really sitting next to me? Or is this some sort of dream?”

“This isn’t a dream; I’m real, Lady.”

“But... how? Why show up now? What were expecting to happen? What do you want from me?!”

“If I could have come back sooner, I would have. I came here, because I made a promise. I didn’t come with expectations of you, or wanting anything,” I gently tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at me, “and I came to tell you that you were wrong when you said that you needed me, because it is I who needs you.” she closed her eyes tightly and swallowed; I could feel her trembling under my touch, I brought my hand away and she slowly opened her eyes. They watched me sadly; I could see the tears building behind her eyes. Her eyes were filled with pain, sorrow, and fear.

“What are you trying to say?” I smiled slightly,

“I’m saying that I’m back because I loved you then, and I still love you now.”

“What about Mariemaia?”

“I have to admit, I was completely shocked when she told me that she was my daughter, but it didn’t take long for me to grow attached... Lady, I’m not going to leave her again, and if you’d rather that our relationship be only in the best interest of Mariemaia, then I will do that.” she stared out at nothing, her eyes held a faraway look to them; she sat there completely absorbed by her thoughts...

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (Lady Une’s POV)

My mind and senses whirled as unanswered questions spun in my head, and I felt as if I were drowning in a sea of worry, fear, and uncertainty. Treize was alive and sitting next to me, but how could that be? He was dead, and had been dead for almost three years! Where had he been for so long? If I gave him my heart again, would I be able to survive it if he broke it again? I was so scared of being hurt again, or Mariemaia being hurt, that I just didn’t know what to do. I still loved him, probably more now than ever; I was overjoyed he was alive, and I wanted him to stay in my life forever, I wanted him to hold me like he had before...

“Lady?” I looked at him; his blue eyes were fixed on me, “Do you love?” I looked away,

“...Yes.” He made me look at him, as he blue eyes seemed to search my very soul,

“Then what’s the matter?”

“It just doesn’t seem possible that you are alive and here. I don’t want to loose you again, I couldn’t go through that again... Treize, I need to know you are real, and you’re not going to disappear from my life again.” Suddenly, I felt his lips against mine. The kiss was warm and gentle, loving and sweet, and when he pulled away, I felt a sudden emptiness that hadn’t been there before. It had been a brief kiss, but it was touch I longed for. I looked at him, his face still tantalizingly close to mine,

“Was that real enough for you?” he whispered, his breath teasing my lips,

“Mm hm.” was the only response I could get out. He smiled,

“You need to talk to Mariemaia, and think about this. I’ll come back after you have,” he stood to his feet, then turned to me, “Good-night Lady.” and with that he was gone into the night, but my heart was consoled by the fact that he was gone into the night, but my heart was consoled by his promise to return...


I opened the door to see Heero, Relena, and Mariemaia. Relena smiled; Mariemaia stared at the ground, guiltily. I got on my knees, pulling her small frame into my embrace. I was so thankful that she was okay and that she was back. She held on to me, sniffing softly as she cried; I nodded, silently thanking Heero and Relena for bringing her home and for watching after her. After they left, I stood and brought my little girl inside. I looked down at her,

“I’m sorry Mother.” she whimpered pitifully.

“Sorry? Sorry that you didn’t tell me your father was alive? Or sorry that you didn’t come home, and made me nearly worry to death?”


“Mariemaia, don’t you ever dare scare me like that again!” I scolded, she only shook her head and sniffed. I crossed my arms, fighting to keep a stern face, “And just *when* were you planning on telling me that your father was alive?” she visibly cringed at the question, causing me to smile,

“I... I don’t know. A part of me didn’t want to tell you.”

“I’d never leave you Mariemaia. You *are* my daughter. And just because your father is back, won’t make me love you any less than I already do!”


“I promise.”

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (Treize’s POV)

It had been three days since I had seen Lady Une, and it was nothing but sheer torture for me.

“Treize sit down and relax. You’re acting like a caged animal.” Milliardo replied. I sighed, running a through my hair,

“This is unnerving!” Milliardo laughed,

“You are pathetic! I can go a year and not see Noin, and I’m no where near as restless as you are, and only after three days.

“Hmph! I think it’s disgusting the way you are with her. Coming in and out of her life as you please. I’m looking forward to the day that she realizes that she doesn’t need you and moves on with her life, and finds somebody else.”

“You’re one to talk.”

“No, you’re wrong. I didn’t purposely leave Lady Une, and you have and do leave Noin all the time, for God only knows how long-”

“The longest I’ve ever been away from Noin was one year, three months, one week, five days, and eighteen hours! Don’t think I didn’t miss her like crazy every moment of that time!”

“Have you ever told Noin that you even care about her?”


“Has she ever told you that she loves you?”


“And you say that Heero doesn’t deserve Relena! He’s alot better to her than you’ve ever been to Noin!” Milliardo glared at me furiously,

“Now don’t go bringing them into this! That is an entirely different story!”

“You’re only fooling yourself when you say that. And truthfully, I rank Heero at a much higher level than I do you!” he only glared at me even more,

“Look, I don’t have time for this, I have to go see Lady.”

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (Lady Une’s POV)

It had been three days since I had seen or heard from Treize, and I missed him terribly, I ached for him. I had talked to Mariemaia, and I had consulted my own heart and I knew that I could never be truly happy unless we were together and I was determined to do anything to keep him in my life.

As I walked up onto the front porch I saw a rose laying on the mat in front of the door, but this rose had a note attached to it. Tenderly, I lifted the red flower, then carefully turned over the card,

Turn around and you will find me...


A friend

Cautiously, I turned around to see Treize standing in front of me, smiling gently.

“It was you?”

“It was Mariemaia’s idea.” He stepped towards me, quickly closing the gap between us.

“I told myself I’d give you a month before coming to see you, as I walked down the street I decided to wait two weeks, then one week. Well, so far I’ve waited three days, and I can’t wait anymore. Lady, I love you, and I’ll do anything if you’ll let me back in your life.” he whispered softly, I smiled softly at him,

“Take you back, huh? And just how do you suggest that I do that?” he grinned, leaning forward until our foreheads touched,

“You can take me anyway you want.”

~*To be continued? Or the end?*~

AN: I had alot of fun writing this fic, it was a change of pace, and I really did enjoy it.^_^ I hope you liked it, and I don’t think I’ll be writing another one, I’m too much of a Heero and Relena fan.

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