I was a little nervous that the rats would be skittish due to being previously owned by a small child, but they both did not seem effected by it, thought it did take a little while for both to warm up to me. Trevor was the first to start trusting me, all I had to do was give him a treat and I was instantly his best friend.
Trevor enjoyed being out of his cage, but was not very active, he was happy to sit on laps and that's it, he wasn't much of an explorer. He loved his yogurt treats, but I think he loved corn cobs the most, any time I finished eating a corn on the cob, both Trevor and his brother would get excited and even fight over the cob, even though it was large enough for the both of them. Both rats where food rivals,they would both fight over who would get the treat first and sometimes steal the treat from the other. When giving treats, I often had to say "No stealing"... I don't know if they understood, but they where good for the most part.
Every winter I travel to Alberta to be with my husband, last year Trevor and his brother had a in-house sitter, but in 2016, they where staying with a friend. I knew both rats where over 2 years old, so I wasn't really sure what to expect while I was away, but they where both happy and healthy when I left and the sitter kept me updated. Both Cory and Trevor warmed right up to their sitter and where having a good time.
On March 2nd, the sitter informed me that Trevor was starting to drag his legs behind him. I have not seen that before, but I knew that he could have been having joint issues due to his age, but he did not seem to be in pain, he just needed to take things slower. However it could have been a sign of a larger illness, on March 7th, Trevor passed away... due to the peaceful nature it was most likely due to natural causes.
Good bye Trevor Rat. We had a lot of fun, even on youtube for parodying the Pizza-Rat incident. You are nomming all the pizza you want and corn cobs on the Rainbow Bridge.